
Fukushima: Strahlung steigt stark / Fukushima farmers describe IN RAGE AND SORROW what it's like to harvest poisoned food [Video]

[diepresse / 04.09.2013] Die Strahlenwerte im havarierten japanischen AKW Fukushima haben einen neuen Höchststand erreicht. In den vergangenen Tagen sei die Strahlung um mehr als 20 Prozent auf 2200 Milisievert gestiegen, teilte die japanische Atombehörde am Mittwoch mit. Noch am Wochenende war der Wert bei 1800 Milisievert gelegen.

Sind Menschen einer derartigen Strahlung ungeschützt ausgesetzt, führt sie binnen Stunden zum Tod.
Kurz zuvor hatte sich die japanische Regierung erstmals direkt in die Sicherung der Atomruine Fukushima eingeschaltet.

Tokio befürchtet, dass die neue Zuspitzung der Probleme in Fukushima seine Olympia-Chancen gegenüber Madrid und Istanbul schmälern könnten.

Fukushima farmers describe IN RAGE AND SORROW what it's like to harvest poisoned food...

03.09.2013 The 38th National Action Day of Environmental Pollution Victims Negotiation with TEPCO/Japanese Government June 6, 2013 FUKUSHIMA FARMERS IN RAGE AND SORROW

00:14-I want to give you a concrete idea as to what kinds of problems we farmers are facing. I would appreciate your close attention. I am still engaged in agriculture full time in Fukushima. I live in Sukugawa. Last year, cesium exceeding 100 Bq was detected in the brown rice produced there. First case Nationwide. As a result, decontamination of the rice fields started.

01:00 But please keep this in mind. Day in, day out we are working in the field without knowing the level of soil contamination. I hope you heard me. I am not talking about the radiation readings in the air! In my district, farmers were also mobilized to do the decontamination work in the rice fields. 01:35 Myself included. Do you understand the "de" in the word "decontamination"? We are just tilling deeply and spreading the radiation thinly. We are removing the contamination. No wonder that the radiation level has not gone down. We "decontaminated" the rice field.

02:03 We measured the radioactivity in the air. It has not gone down at all. We have not removed the contaminated soil Of course not! The environment has not changed at all 2 years after the explosions. The guidelines say we cannot use farm materials such as coverings that are contaminated. But we have no way of measuring the radiation level in those. So we have to replace them with new ones. Are you going to do something about this? Please don't take lightly what we farmers are going through.

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