
Ein Reporterteam hat einen jungen Demonstranten gefragt, ob Randale das richtige Mittel für Protest sei. Seine Antwort:

"Yes," said the young man. "You wouldn't be talking to me now if we didn't riot, would you?"
The TV reporter from Britain's ITV had no response. So the young man pressed his advantage. "Two months ago we marched to Scotland Yard, more than 2,000 of us, all blacks, and it was peaceful and calm and you know what? Not a word in the press. Last night a bit of rioting and looting and look around you."

Cameron verdreifacht Polizeikräfte - Erster Toter bei Krawallen in London
[Taz] Ein 26-Jähriger erlag am Dienstag Schussverletzungen, die er sich bei den Unruhen zugezogen hatte. David Cameron nennt die Proteste kriminell und holt sein Parlament aus dem Urlaub zurück.

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