
Brasiliens Parlament schränkt Schutzregelungen für den Regenwald ein

Das Brasilianische Parlament hat am Dienstag eine Änderung des Forstgesetzes beschlossen. Durch den Neuentwurf befürchten Forscher einen starken Anstieg der Abholzungsrate und eine weitere Verringerung der Waldschutzgebiete in Brasilien.

Brazil does away with laws to protect large swathes of rainforest
Brazil's powerful agricultural sector has scored a major victory, with the approval by the lower house of Congress of a reform that would open up some protected forests to cropland and ranchers.

Brazil’s rainforests under threat after agricultural lobby wins key vote
SOME OF BRAZIL’S rainforests could be under threat after a law initially intended to protect them now appears to be placing them at the mercy of agricultural interests as it makes its way through parliament.

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