
Bahrain arrests prominent rights activist Nabeel Rajab

[Newsday] A prominent human rights activist has been arrested by Bahraini authorities, a statement said Saturday, in a move that could further escalate the nearly 15-month-old unrest between opposition groups and the rulers of the Gulf kingdom.  

[Wikipedia] Das Königreich Bahrain 
Bahrain ist Mitglied der UN, der Arabischen Liga, der OAPEC und des Golfkooperationsrates. Darüber hinaus erachten die Vereinigten Staaten Bahrain als wichtigen Verbündeten und setzen verhältnismäßig großes Vertrauen in die demokratische Entwicklung des Landes.

Julian Assange show ‘The World Tomorrow’ Episode 4: Egypt & Bahrain [worldtomorrow.wikileaks] The forth episode of “The World Tomorrow” will be an interview between Julian Assange, who has been under house arrest without charge for over 500 days, and two leading Arab revolutionaries in the mididle of conflict, Alaa Abd El-Fattah from Egypt and Nabeel Rajab from Bahrain.  

Interview with the Bahraini Dissident Nabeel Rajab - ''Our regime has to leave''
[qantara] The Formula One Grand Prix took place in Bahrain as planned despite a storm of criticism and days of demonstrations. Kersten Knipp spoke to human rights activist Nabil Rajab about the situation weiter:

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