
Unicef kritisiert Haftbedingungen minderjähriger Palästinenser in Israel

[sueddeutsche 7 06.03.2013] Unicef hat Israel einen zu harten Umgang mit minderjährigen palästinensischen Häftlingen vorgeworfen. "Die schlechte Behandlung palästinensischer Kinder durch das System der israelischen Militärgefängnisse ist weit verbreitet, systematisch und gängige Praxis", hieß es in einem am Mittwoch in Jerusalem vorgelegten Bericht des UN-Kinderhilfswerks.

Children in israeli Military detention Observations and Recommendations [PDF]
[unicef] The pattern of ill-treatment includes the arrests of children at their homes between midnight and 5:00 am by heavily armed soldiers; the practice of blindfolding children and tying their hands with plastic ties; physical and verbal abuse during transfer to an interrogation site, including the use of painful restraints; lack of access to water, food, toilet facilities and medical care; interrogation using physical violence and threats; coerced confessions; and lack of access to lawyers or family members during interrogation.
Treatment inconsistent with child rights continues during court appearances, including shackling of children; denial of bail and imposition of custodial sentences; and transfer of children outside occupied Palestinian territory to serve their sentences inside Israel. The incarceration isolates them from their families and interrupts their studies.

These practices are in violation of international law that protects all children against ill-treatment when in contact with law enforcement, military and judicial institutions.

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