
Must read! Why Did The Bundesbank Secretly Withdraw Two-Thirds Of Its London Gold?

Gold: Exclusive: Bank Of England To The Fed: "No Indication Should, Of Course, Be Given To The Bundesbank

Recently, the topic of German gold resurfaced following the disclosure that early on in the Eurozone creation process, the Bundesbank secretly withdrew two-thirds of its gold, or 940 tons, from London in 2000, leaving just 500 tons with the Bank of England. As we made it very clear, what was most odd about this event, is that the Bundesbank did something it had every right to do fully in the open: i.e., repatriate what belongs to it for any number of its own reasons - after all the German central bank is only accountable to its people (or so the myth goes), in deep secrecy. The question was why it opted for this stealthy transfer.
While there we dug up a certain memo, coded C43/323 in the BOE archives, official title "GOLD AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE OFFICE FILE: FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK (FRBNY) - MISCELLANEOUS", dated May 31, 1968, written by a certain Mr. Robeson addressed to the BOE's Roy Bridge as well as its Chief Cashier, and whose ultimate recipient is Charles Coombs who at the time was the manager of the open market account at the Fed, responsible for Fed operations in the gold and FX markets.

This memo, more than any of the other spurious and speculative accusation about Buba's golden hoard, should disturb German citizens, and of course the Bundesbank (assuming it was not already aware of its contents), as the memo lays out, without any shadow of doubt, that the BOE and the Fed, effectively conspired to feed the Bundesbank due gold bars that were of substantially subpar quality on at least one occasion in the period during the Bretton-Woods semi-gold standard (which ended with Nixon in August 1971). 

The facts:  
At least two central banks have conspired on at least one occasion to provide the Bundesbank with what both banks knew was "bad delivery" gold - the convertible reserve currency under the Bretton Woods system, or in other words, to defraud - amounting to 172 bars. The "bad delivery" occured even as official gold refiners had warned that the quality of gold emanating from the US Assay Office was consistently below standard, and which both the BOE and the Fed were aware of. Instead of addressing the issue of declining gold quality and purity, the banks merely covered up the refiners' complaints

Why Did The Bundesbank Secretly Withdraw Two-Thirds Of Its London Gold?
[zerohedge] Two days ago we reported that the German Court of Auditors demanded that the German Central Bank, the Bundesbank, verify and audit its official gold holdings consisting of 3,396 tons, held mostly offshore, namely New York, London and Paris, at least according to official documents.
 It also called for repatriation of 150 tons in the next three years to perform a quality inspection of the tungsten gold.

Today, in a surprising development, via the Telegraph we learn that none other than the same Bundesbank which is causing endless nightmares for all the other broke European nations due to its insistence for sound money, decided to voluntarily pull two thirds of its gold holdings held by the Bank of England. According to a confidential report referenced by the Telegraph, Buba reclaimed 940 tons, reducing its BOE holdings from 1,440 in 2000 to 500 in 2001 allegedly "because storage costs were too high." This is about as idiotic an excuse as the Fed cancelling its reporting of M3 in 2006 because "the costs of collecting the underlying data outweigh the benefits." So why did Buba repatriate its gold? Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has an idea.

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  1. Das heutige Papiergeld ist deshalb Zinsgeld (fehlerhaftes Geld mit parasitärer – der wesentlichen Tauschfunktion widersprechenden – Wertaufbewahrungsfunktion), weil es gänzlich unreflektiert dem Goldgeld der Antike nachgeäfft wurde! Und noch heute gibt es Äffchen, die – wie die Vertreter der "Österreichischen Schule" – den "Goldstandard" anbeten und sich von diesem Unsinn die Lösung aller Menschheitsprobleme versprechen. Gold kann in der Natur gefunden oder durch Neutronenbeschuss von Quecksilber künstlich erzeugt werden. Und nur weil das zweite Verfahren noch viel zu teuer ist, stellt sich der im Altertum verhaftete, unbewusste Mensch das Gold als ein "natürliches Geld" vor, dem er wegen seiner Seltenheit einen "besonderen Wert" beimisst. Die Abstraktion vom Gold über das Goldgeld bis zum Papiergeld kann der noch unbewusste Mensch nicht nachvollziehen.

    Das bewusste Denken beginnt mit der Feststellung, dass in einer Volkswirtschaft die Waren das Angebot sind und das Geld die Nachfrage bildet. Der Gegenwert allen umlaufenden Geldes ist also immer der Wert aller gegenläufig umlaufenden Waren, die aktuell dagegen getauscht werden, und nicht "beliehene Sachwerte", eingelagerte Goldklötzchen oder sonst irgendetwas. Damit das Geld seine Aufgabe als Tauschmittel erfüllen kann, muss lediglich sichergestellt sein, dass es als "gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel" definiert, dass es fälschungssicher ist, und dass es umläuft. Allein die Art und Weise, wie die letzte Bedingung erfüllt werden kann, entscheidet über das Schicksal der ganzen Volkswirtschaft:

    Geld – wie es (noch) ist und wie es sein soll
