Waking a Sleeping Giant: The Tobacco Industry’s Response to the Polonium-210 Issue
[ncbi] The major tobacco manufacturers discovered that polonium was part of tobacco and tobacco smoke more than 40 years ago and attempted, but failed, to remove this radioactive substance from their products. Internal tobacco industry documents reveal that the companies suppressed publication of their own internal research to avoid heightening the public’s awareness of radioactivity in cigarettes. Tobacco companies continue to minimize their knowledge about polonium-210 in cigarettes in smoking and health litigation. Cigarette packs should carry a radiation-exposure warning label.
[Wikipedia] Alexander Walterowitsch Litwinenko
Am 1. November 2006 ließ sich Litwinenko mit Vergiftungserscheinungen in ein Krankenhaus einweisen. In den folgenden Tagen verschlechterte sich sein Zustand rasant. Die Mediziner gingen zuerst davon aus, dass Thallium für den körperlichen Verfall Litwinenkos gesorgt hatte. Erst wenige Stunden vor dem Ableben fand man große Mengen der radioaktiven Substanz Polonium-210 im Urin.weiter:
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