You may have heard of the Libor scandal, in which at least three – and perhaps as many as 16 – of the name-brand too-big-to-fail banks have been manipulating global interest rates, in the process messing around with the prices of upward of $500 trillion (that's trillion, with a "t") worth of financial instruments. When that sprawling con burst into public view last year, it was easily the biggest financial scandal in history – MIT professor Andrew Lo even said it "dwarfs by orders of magnitude any financial scam in the history of markets."
That was bad enough, but now Libor may have a twin brother.
Regulators are looking into whether or not a small group of brokers at ICAP may have worked with up to 15 of the world's largest banks to manipulate ISDAfix, a benchmark number used around the world to calculate the prices of interest-rate swaps.weiter
Verwandte Beiträge:
- Zinsmanipulation - Die Libor-Band -. Einer der größten Bankenskandale in der Wirtschaftsgeschichte
- Finanzindustrie - Lauter kriminelle Einzelfälle
- Die Banken und der Liborzins-Skandal - "Das System ist erledigt" / Deutsche Bank friert Boni in Millionenhöhe ein
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