
LulzSec bereitet offenbar einen Release zum Zensus UK 2011 vor

Greetings Internets,

We have blissfully obtained records of every single citizen who gave their records to the security-illiterate UK government for the 2011 census

We're keeping them under lock and key though... so don't worry about your privacy (...until we finish re-formatting them for release)

Myself and the rest of my Lulz shipmates will then embark upon a trip to ThePirateBay with our beautiful records for your viewing pleasure!

Ahoy! Bwahahaha... >:]

Cap'n Pierre "Lulz" Dubois

Verwandte Beiträge:
Hacker-Gruppen verbünden sich gegen Regierungen
Outsourcing - Britische Zensus-Daten in Gefahr

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