
Kriegsverbrecher: Gericht spricht Bush und Blair schuldig

[Schweizmagazin] Vor einem Gericht in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) wurden der Ex-US-Präsident George W. Bush und der ehemalige Premierminister Grossbritanniens Tony Blair, wegen der im Fall des Iraks begangenen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Kriegsverbrechen, angeklagt. Das Urteil fiel eindeutig aus. Beide wurden schuldig gesprochen.

Court finds Bush and Blair guilty of war crimes
[RT] Those who lobbied to have George W. Bush and Tony Blair tried for their role in the Iraq War have finally got their wish. Though the verdict of the court carries no legal weight, its supporters believe its symbolic value is beyond doubt.
The foundation was set up by former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed, who was always a staunch opponent of the war against the regime of Saddam Hussain in 2003. He previously branded Blair and Bush “child-killers”.

The tribunal, which consisted of a former federal judge and several academics, paid particular attention to the failure of the Western military to find a single weapon of mass destruction in Iraq. WMDs were cited by the Western coalition as a major reason for their military intervention. It also declared the war to be in contravention of the will of the United Nations.

“The evidence showed that the drums of war were being beaten long before the invasion. The accused in their own memoirs have admitted their intention to invade Iraq regardless of international law,” said the tribunal.

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