
"Es gibt keine Besatzung" - Levy-Report sorgt in Israel für neue Debatte über Status der West-Bank

[Heise] Ist Israel eine Besatzungsmacht in der West Bank? Welchen legalen Status haben die Siedlungen? Es gibt offensichtlich trotz internationaler Abkommen, trotz des Camp-David- und des Oslo-Abkommen, trotz internationaler wie nationaler Rechtsprechung bislang keine definitiven Antworten darauf, die diese Fragen eindeutig geklärt haben.  

The Levy Report
[Wikipedia] (Hebrew: דו"ח לוי‏‎, actual title: Hebrew: דו"ח על מעמד הבניה באזור יהודה ושומרון‎, Report on the Status of Construction in Judea and Samaria) is a 89 page report on West Bank settlements published by the Israeli government on 9 July 2012, authored by a three member committee headed by former Israeli Supreme Court justice Edmund Levy. The committee, dubbed the “outpost committee”, was appointed by Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in late January 2012 to investigate the legal status of unauthorized West Bank Jewish settlements,[1] but also examined whether the Israeli presence in the West Bank is to be considered an occupation or not.[2] The report comes to the conclusion that Israel's presence in the West Bank is not occupation,[3] and that the Israeli settlements are legal under international law,[4] and recommends state approval for unauthorized Jewish settlement outposts.[3]

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