
FBI: 1 Milliarde Dollar für Gesichtserkennung - Next Generation Identification Programm

[Futurezone] Ab 2014 soll das Next Generation Identification Programm in den gesamten USA eingesetzt werden. Per Gesichtserkennung werden Aufnahmen von Überwachungskameras und von öffentlichen Fotos im Web mit einer Verbrecherkartei abgeglichen. Verdächtige Personen können in einer Menschenmenge verfolgt werden.

FBI launches $1 billion nationwide facial recognition system
[extremetech] The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has begun rolling out its new $1 billion biometric Next Generation Identification (NGI) system. In essence, NGI is a nationwide database of mugshots, iris scans, DNA records, voice samples, and other biometrics, that will help the FBI identify and catch criminals — but it is how this biometric data is captured, through a nationwide network of cameras and photo databases, that is raising the eyebrows of privacy advocates.
According to New Scientist, facial recognition systems have reached the point where they can match a single face from a pool of 1.6 million mugshots/passport photos with 92% accuracy, in under 1.2 seconds [PDF]. In the case of automated, biometric border controls where your face and corresponding mugshot are well lit, the accuracy approaches 100%. Likewise, where DNA or iris records exist, it’s a very expedient way of accurately identifying suspects.

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