[Yahoo] Mit gentechnisch verändertem Mais gefütterte Ratten sterben jünger und erkranken deutlich häufiger an Krebs als Tiere, die herkömmliche Nahrung erhalten. Zu diesem Schluss kommen französische Forscher in einer in der Fachzeitschrift "Food and Chemical Toxicology" veröffentlichten Studie. Die Ergebnisse seien "alarmierend", sagte Gilles-Eric Seralini, Professor an der Universität Caen und Experte für gentechnisch veränderte Organismen (GVO) in Nahrungsmitteln.
First Peer Reviewed Lifetime Feeding Trial Finds "Safe" Levels Of GM Maize And Roundup Can Cause Tumors And Multiple Organ Damage
[heraldonline] he first animal feeding trial studying the lifetime effects of exposure to Roundup tolerant GM maize, and Roundup, the world's best-selling weedkiller, shows that levels currently considered safe can cause tumors and multiple organ damage and lead to premature death in laboratory rats, according to research published online today by the scientific journal Food and Chemical Toxicology.
This is the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats. It shows an extraordinary number of tumors developing earlier and more aggressively - particularly in female animals. I am shocked by the extreme negative health impacts."
[Study] Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize
[sciencedirect] weiter:
[Study] Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize
[research.sustainablefoodtrust] weiter:
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